Mission Statement

Mission Statement
Dear Colleagues,

Backed by the support of all our esteemed colleagues whom we consulted with in regards to establishing the International Iraqi Medical Association, we continued our efforts by contacting our colleagues in Sweden, Australia, Germany, UK, France, USA, Canada, New Zealand, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq and many other countries, and all showed unanimous support and encouragement for the idea, and for sparing no effort in working to accomplish the Association’s main goal: Serving Iraq Together.

The International Iraqi Medical Association (IIMA) was established to accomplish the following objectives:

IIMA is a professional medical organization concerned with the social and professional aspects of Iraqi physicians inside Iraq and abroad.

Facilitating social and professional communication between Iraqi physicians everywhere.

IIMA is a non-government organization (NGO) registered with the United Nations.

Raising awareness and increasing international exposure of Iraqi physicians and their contributions and services to the global medical profession.

Working and cooperating with prominent international scientific figures in the medical and healthcare industry.

Assisting with sending Iraqi medical delegations to Iraq.

Working and cooperating with the Iraqi Ministry of Health and other medical authorities in Iraq to rebuild and develop health and medical services and academic standards in Iraq.

IIMA is interested in opening branch offices in other countries. We would like to ask our esteemed colleagues who are interested in cooperating with us regarding this issue to contact us with their suggestions and ideas.

Best regards,

Dr. Ali Harjan
(See C.V )